Blue Ribbon Bloggers is a multi-author blog made up of all the incredible bloggers that were blessed to receive the rare and retired Original Blue Ribbon Blogger Award from the original Blog Fairy (Francesca Faerie) in the spirit of her love for those who change the world through their blogs. She loved and believed in all of the bloggers she mysteriously bestowed this honor on. This blog is for those unique and special bloggers, to promote themselves and their blogs, and to share their projects and causes with the rest of the world.
We are in the process of constructing a list of all Original Blue Ribbon Bloggers.
This is what we've got so far...
Should you find any errors or omissions on this list, please do not hesitate and let us know!
If you are an Original Blue Ribbon Blogger yourself, and you would like us to list more of your blogs on this page, just let us know as well..
Please contact our admins, by leaving a comment to this post or by sending an e-mail message to BlueRibbonBloggers AT gmail DOT com.

Adria of: in cinq
Ann Clemmons of: A Nice Place In The Sun
Anndi of: Anndi's Luggage and Transition
AnneLisa of: Words that flow...
Barb of: Skittles' Place
Barry of: Inn of the Last Home
Beth Allen of: Writing 5 to 9
BlueRibbonBloggers of: BlueRibbonBloggers
Bob of:
Bond of: Big Leather Couch
Brillig of: Twas Brillig
Bud Weiser of: WTIT Tape Radio: The Blog
Carol of: My View Of “IT”
Chesca Silva of: Skindiving
Christina of: Paris Romance
Christy Zutautas of: Christy’s Coffee Break and Writer's Reviews
Colin Richards of: Life
Dan of: Dan's Blah Blah Blog
David B Dale of: Very Short Novels
Deborah of: Climate of Our Future
Dixie of: Dixie's - Heart and Soul
Dr. Anonymous of: Doctor Anonymous
Drew Bennett of: The BenSpark
Ed of: The Pisstakers
Elisabeth Edwards/Table For Five of: Anything and Everything
Emila Yusof of: Emila's Illustrated Blog
Emmyrose of: Just Let Go, Dancing with Butterflies, Pieces of Me and Blessed Chic
Eric/SpeedcatHollydale of: Speedcat Hollydale Page
Ev Nucci of: My life is murphy's law
Frank of: Foxxfyrre's Honk'n'Holl'r
Gale Martin of: Gem-osophy
Georganna Hancock of: A Writer's Edge
Graciel of: Evenstar Art
Jace of: Internet Safety News
Jackie/Shinade of: The Painted Veil
JaniceNW of: Twist & Skewer
Jeane Michelle Culp of: Binding Ink by Nom de plume The Poetress
Jennifer of: Goodness Graciousness
Jessica of: Oh, The Joys
Jo Coiner Burzycki of: Life With Heathens
Joey Cupps of:
John of: Life Onwards
Jos van Liempd of: NoDirectOn (not: NoDirection), OgenDicht/EyesClosed, Additional BlogLOve and Marketing•Review
Judy of: Sugar Queen's Dream
Karen of: A Deaf Mom Shares Her World
Karl of: The Frog Bog
Kathleen Maher of: Diary of a Heretic
Kim Barker of: Laketrees
Kim/Purplefrogcat of: Purplefrogcat
Lady Rose of: Diet Pulpit and Stir The Cauldron
Lili of: Feel Happy
Lillie Ammann of: Lillie Ammann, Writer and Editor and A Writer’s Words, An Editor’s Eye
Linda of: Are We There Yet??
Linda R. Moore of: Raven's Range, Raven's RV, Raven's Roads, Raven's Rides, Markeroni, The Markeroni Blog
Liz Strauss of: Successful Blog
Lori Hahn of: Hahn at Home
Luisa Perkins of: Novembrance
Lyman Reed of: Creating a Better Life
Lynda of: The Loft Of Love, By Lynda
Margot Potter of: The Impatient Blogger
Mark Sierra of: MeAndMyDrum
Marzie of: Mariuca
Maunie James of: Maunie James
Meghan of: Pyreflies over Zanarkand
Michele of: Cool Steals And Deals Online
Michelle Dyer of: Michelle Dyer's Writing Circle
Mike Wheeler of: Things By Mike
Mimi Lenox of: Mimi Writes.......
Mo of: It's A Blog Eat Blog World
Nihal of: Nihal's Anything and Everything
Paula of: Six 4 Paula
Pendullum of: Dribblingwitt????
Ray Basile of: Mr. Besilly's Blog
Robin Lee Sardini of: The Spirit Knows Best
Rose DesRochers of: Rose DesRochers - World Outside my Window
Sam Chan of: Acquire Wisdom and Live with Passion
Sanni of: It´s sanni-licious
Santa Claus of: Santa's Community Blog
Shelly Kneupper Tucker of: Shelly's x365 and This Eclectic Life
Sue Banks of: nycdilettante and wdcdilettante
Surjit of: Gurushabad
Susan Helene Gottfried of: West of Mars -- the Meet and Greet
Tish of: The Kat House
Tom Ledree of: Quotes on Success | Tom
WalksFarWoman of: Walks Far Woman
Zubli Zainordin of: Book Project
UPDATE: We have also entered all blogs in the list above in a sidebar widget. You can see it on the sidebar of the BRB now, it's labelled "Lots of Blogs, by all Original Blue Ribbon Bloggers". Should any of you wish to add this particular widget on your own blogs, here's the code:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src=""> </script>
Thanks for adding me.My best wishes.
Wow! Thanks!
Terrific!!!! I was not aware we had so many writers...and such great people...thanks Jos
I have been remiss. I am honored to be on the list, but I didn't know what to do with it! I didn't get much instruction, and I don't use my Blogger account frequently. I'll work up a post on my site...I don't guess anyone would object if I list links?
And, I'll try to think of something intelligent to say here. We'll see. lol
Thanks for all the time and effort you put into keeping this list and the blog going - I really enjoy being a part of it.
Since you mentioned it, if you could include one more of my blogs that would be great and thank you:
Stir the Cauldron
Surjit, you are more than welcome :)
Shelly, do you need any assistance? Or any instructions? Just let us know, ok? Please feel welcome to post or (repost from your own blogs) as much as you like! Looking forward to that :)
Jessica, you're welcome too. Would you like to post on our BRB? Just let us know and we'll arrange that.
Maunie, yep, a whole bunch of great bloggers we got here. And I am glad you're one of them :))
Lady Rose, you are not alone ;) -- all of us enjoy you being part of it, too!
Your other blog has been added to the list and to the sidebar widgets. Thanks!
Wow - more bloggers than I thought.
And so many aren't regular commenters or posters!
I know I've been remiss about posting lately - will see what I can do about that!
Jos: thanks for all you do as admin here! Since I'm an admin for House Panthers, I know there's a lot of "backstage" work involved that no one ever thinks about! Cheers to you!
~ Mo
Three cheers for Jos! Three cheers for Jeane Michelle! Three cheers for Blue Ribbon Bloggers!
May we all remember with a smile our beloved Francesca Faerie and what she wanted to start here. She would be proud.
UPDATE: Please see this post again for an update!
What a wonderful distinction. I appreciate the honor. Thank you for adding Mr. Besilly to your list. I'm feeling the love.
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