Monday, May 5, 2008

A Girl Named Sue

Speedcat Hollydale going back in time to 1985. I had a lot of hair back then... I was riding along in a truck a few days back with the guys I have worked with for over a decade now. Traffic was horrible, and one of them blurted out, "If we go any slower, we'll go back in time!"
I immediately replied, "Well, if we are going back in time, can it be 1985?"
No "thought" went into this exclamation. It was just pure impulse.
I hashed it over in my mind for a minute about why this number had come out, and I realized that this was the year that had nearly NO pressure, I graduated high school, and had the summer of a lifetime. 1985 was full of friends, adventures, travel, falling in love (at least I thought I did many times), and just plain being happy. I could not wait for the next day, and plans for the upcoming weekend were always something to look forward too. I smile when I think about that summer.
I like my life now, but it is so structured. I work more and more to make due, and work most weekends as well. I worry about things. I get stressed out. Sometimes I am not quite myself. I would say DIFFERENT describes it best. Older and responsible? - a two sided coin.
When I said 1985 sounded good as a year to return, I was tired, and missing some of the things I used to do quite often ... so yes, it made sense.
If it really were possible to travel back in time, I would marry that girl named Sue. "Of course, she would have to notice me first ..."

Do you have one year that would be nice to re-visit? How long would you stay??

** I also would like to thank Maunie for her visits and fun comments at my blog; not with a link, nor an award that goes to many others. Just a mention of thanks to this one fine blogger. **



Olga, the Traveling Bra said...

Hmmmm....1976....High School Graduation....there are definitely a FEW THINGS in the past 30+ years I'd do differently!

mauniejames3 said...

Oh Speedy, Speedy, think you can charm me that easily..well your right..I forgive you...for today...hubby would love to go back to the year we got married...for obvious reasons..I'd like to go back to the late seventies or early eighties...any year...any easy is that?