Here goes:
1. What did I learn? (skills, knowledge, awareness, etc.)
How to say 'NO' kindly but firmly.
2. What did I accomplish?
I went back to work after a ten month break.
3. What would I have done differently?
Because what's done is done, and I can't change it.
4. What did I complete or release?
4 (cont): What still feels incomplete to me?
Compassion for all, even myself.
5. What were the most significant events of the year past?
List the top three.
1. I went back to work.
2. I'm finally living alone again, for the first time in years.
3. I finally decided to act on something I have put off for years.
6. What did I do right?
Helped my family.
What do I feel especially good about?
Writing and meditating every day.
What was my greatest contribution?
To my family.
7. What were the fun things I did?
Whatever I wanted to do.
What were the not-so-fun?
Helping my family move out of state, 2,000 miles away from me.
8. What were my biggest challenges/roadblocks/difficulties?
Pulling my head out of my butt and taking charge of my life again.
9. How am I different this year than last?
I'm mentally and physically healthier also.
10. For what am I particularly grateful?
Prayer. It keeps me centered.